API Catalogue

App Plans - App Keys - Subscriptions Offers authToken

App Keys are used by partners to authenticate apps using HMAC signatures. A key pair used to authenticate the app, consists of a non-secret ID and a signing secret.

App Plans: SVOD partners will need to upload all available subscription plans, along with descriptions, pricing and other details. This metadata can be used for upgrades and downgrades from VIZIO systems as well as verifying transactions submitted from TV client.

Subscription Offers: Coupons can either be single codes that easily allow mass distribution by many customers or bulk coupons that can generate many unique coupons that can allow for individual delivery and tracking.

To get an Authorization Token copy the Developer Key Id, then in the Playground on the bottom left, in the section HTTP HEADERS paste the following JSON:


App Plans API Playground

App Keys API Playground

Subscription Offers Playground

  Request an API key

Notifications API authToken

Partners will need to register a webhook URL where event-based notifications will be delivered. Partners can specify which events are delivered to specific webhook callback urls. Partners will also need to register and use a signing-key to authenticate them as the correct receiver of events.

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  Request an API key

Entitlements API authToken

This API will inform if the subscription is Active and gives details about the Subscription ID, next Billing Date and the Partner Account # .

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  Request an API key

Subscriptions Plans Add-Ons API authToken

  View documentation
  Request an API key